Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sixth Day

Today was a great day for me to get work done as I do not have sports on Sunday. I needed to do some chain sawing so I asked my father to come up for safety reasons. I figured it was not smart to chain saw a couple miles up in the woods by myself. He came up for the remainder of the morning while I cut all of the big stuff. After lunch he headed down while I stayed clearing the next section of trail. Now I am probably three quarters of the way done. I am sort of pumped because I thought that the latest section might go slower than it did. Now I should be able to finish within this week. I also recalculated my hours today after coming down. In total I have spent 37 hours up there; 9 of them hiking and 28 working on the trail. I will make my minimum hour limit by a long shot at this rate.

On the way up today I saw a white tailed deer and two groups of wild turkeys. I could not get my camera out to take a picture of the deer although I would have liked to. I did however take some pictures up top of the views as well as some after shots of making the trail. I don't think the photos will really show how thick the woods are but people will still get the idea. I am planning to show some of these pictures on my lap top for the presentations. Great weather today which brought out the requisite black flies. So far the weather has cooperated nicely and I have had few rain or thunderstorm delays.

1 comment:

  1. Great being up there with you for a bit of the day today. The trail looks great and will make a nice connection between the two features. I remember taking parents up there last fall on family weekend and we bush whacked most of the way...I think a few of the parents were less than pleased. The new trail will make a great addition to the Proctor trail network. I will definitely use it! I like that rock section that is just about halfway...good picnic spot with views. Keep up the hard is really paying off!
