Monday, May 24, 2010

Day Twelve

Today was more of a relaxing morning compared to working in the woods. I sent out an email to the faculty and staff at Proctor, that shared the existence of the new trail. I got more responses than I have received in the last month. I was surprised how many people said they had wanted a trail connecting the two landmarks for a long time. It was nice to hear that the community was exited to use something that I had built.

I also got the chance to fix one of the signs today. Chuck Will was helpful with some history and corrected me as I have always referred to what I now know to be "Balanced Rock" as Balancing Rock. Thanks Chuck! Although the problem was not huge I did want to fix the sign and ensure it was correct. I hiked the new sign up in the afternoon and hung all four signs. On my way down I met Christopher Johnson who was hiking up to try the new loop. From the start of project period I have talked with Chris and he has been excited to try the new trail.

It is almost weird to be completely done with the construction portion of the project. It is sort of nice as I can spend the rest of my time working on the written component and presentation. I just have to write the paper and make the presentation that will be in the Wise along with the other seniors. Towards the end of the trail construction I was getting tired of having to hike up everyday. I am already starting to miss it and it has not been one day yet!

1 comment:

  1. Tuckerman,

    Great job! I have really enjoyed following along with you by reading your blog entries. Way to go, I am so proud of you! Can't wait to see on Saturday for the big day.

