Friday, May 14, 2010

Day Five

I reached the bulkhead today slightly earlier than normal. To my surprise the weather was quite nice up top. Looking down from above there was clouds coming down the valleys almost resembling rivers. It was killing me as this was the first day I did not bring my camera.

I set off hiking the remainder of the new trail to see where I was headed. I needed one more section, which I completed later that day, to come out to a clearing. From this clearing I tried at least five or six different ways of going up above the exiting route or below it. To my surprise the route that was flagged was the best possible route that I could find for the last part of the trail. I spent almost two and a half hours hiking before I decided to stick primarily with the existing route. So far the parts that I have finished are easier than the existing flagged path and meet my second goal; to reduce the environmental impact. I am happy with my progress I made this past week and plan to work all day Sunday to get a head start on next week. Also planning on having my camera so that I don't miss those key moments.

1 comment:

  1. My comment will be posted by "John" when it is actually "Valerie" goes. I love reading your blogs. I have read each day eagerly. What makes it interesting are your reflections about the nature around you. As a reader, you can immediately envision the beauty you see. Keep up the great work, both on the trail and in your writing!
