Friday, May 21, 2010

Day Ten

I did not post this yesterday and accidentally saved it as a draft instead. Anyway this is my blog for Thursday May 20th.

Today was my second to last day working on the trail and I was able to almost complete the trail construction. I worked a couple hours longer than normal which was fine as I was really determined to get everything out of the way except for the blazes and trail signs. I can do the blazes tomorrow but everything else is now done; the actual design and building of the trail. The entire trail is now cut, cleared, and raked! I was noticing that it took me longer than normal to start working as I had to hike almost the entire length of the new trail to find where I left off yesterday. I would assume that the trail is over a mile long. It might be closer to a mile and a half as it has so many turns. I hope to get an accurate distance by borrowing a GPS that has distance capability.

While I was working on the rocky and elevated part of the trail I noticed two good sized red tail hawks. They would glide past below me and circle around again. They did not seem to be circling like they would if food were below them but they did seem to drift in a pattern, perhaps riding the thermals. It was a great vantage point being able to look down on the hawks and see the feather patterns and coloration that you don't see when looking up. The rock shoulders just before you get to Balancing Rock are a great place to enjoy views. Looking down at Proctor, across to Carr Field and over to Blackwater Ski Area brings many memories. I plan to come back in the winter and enjoy the view of a snow covered Blackwater from this location. I have tried to keep the addition of a couple of feet of snow in mind when clearing the trail and have allowed for the clearance that will be required when coming in on snowshoes midwinter.

A couple of days earlier six or seven turkey vultures were circling my dog and me. It was sort of strange as I moved down the trail they seemed to follow. I think they were more interested in my dog than me...or perhaps it was my lunch that was enticing them. Each day has brought the presence of some interesting form of wildlife. Watching birds circling is more relaxing than wondering about a bear charging; but it has all been good.

It is a great feeling to know that the major physical work is now done. The construction of the trail was more physically demanding then I had first anticipated. The added component of the black flies this week made the work even more difficult. Seeing the world through bug netting has its own challenges and it does make it harder to move through brush. Today I have a great sense of accomplishment but I am glad that I am coming to the end. More tomorrow as I get to complete the blazing and wrap up the project!

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