Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fourth Day

Today felt like a long day. This was not just because I worked longer than normal but the forest was also thicker. This section is probably the densest section that I have gone through. In about four hours I completed about 300 yards. It should be easier from this point on but spending so much time in one place made me feel like I was unproductive. I am glad however that I am at a point where I can plan the rest of the trail. There a many options from this point forward as the terrain varies so much. I am debating going higher and dropping down or sticking with the preliminary idea of dropping down and then cutting up. I should know by tomorrow what my plan will be for the completion of the trail.

I had a unexpected greeting on the way down from a bear that was quite big. My dog had been acting strange and ran down the trail growling. This was unusual for him as he is normally calm. I called him back but to my surprise he was chasing a bear back up the trail. I yelled to scare off the bear and it ran into the woods passing me only 25 feet away. It happened so fast I did not really even move. It was actually pretty cool although I am not quite sure I would want to meet the bear again. Hoping my dog will learn to chase bears in another direction! That was pretty much the excitement for my day.


  1. Yikes! I love seeing bears but it is definitely unnerving to come so close.

    I have been keenly following your blogs and I can't wait to see your progress. It is also good to see that you are heeding the advice of the USFS and IMBA and keeping the sustainability of your trail in mind during construction. Keep up the great work.

  2. Hey Tman - Great's fun following your progress. Glad the time in the mountains offers an opportunity to reflect while working.....makes it all "bearable"! That is going to be a great trail! Enjoy your time in the forest/mountains!

  3. Hi Tuckerman, what great reading! Sounds like you are goind a great job, but wow lots of work. I'm really glad you had Makana with you otherwise you might have been lunch! Hugs, Claire
