Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day Eight

Today was another long day as I spent about 7 hours in the woods. For the most part I was working but Josh, who is my mentor, came up to see my progress. He was impressed with the difference in the trail since the last time that he had hiked up. I shared with him about my concerns for running the trail up some of the steeper pitches but we both agreed that that was the only way to do it. I only have a couple hundred yards left on the trail to finish. For the most part almost all of it has been completed. I am not sure how long the trail is at this time although I did use a GPS. The GPS I used can be safely said to be outdated. After hiking with it and taking the time to map the route I found that it does not even give you distance. That is the only bad news so far. For good news, the new paint does work on the trees and the blazes are finally visible. I have now blazed about a quarter mile of trail. I will finish blazing when I have completed all of it. It is easier to do all at once. All in all it was a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Tuckerman. I have enjoyed reading your blog to date.
